Are you an insider? These are so cool! I can't wait for the Revolution!
No seriously man, not bad. A little rough around the edges, but entertaining nonetheless.
Are you an insider? These are so cool! I can't wait for the Revolution!
No seriously man, not bad. A little rough around the edges, but entertaining nonetheless.
Yeah, it was made in a day so expect it to be a bit rough, but im proud of it nonetheless ^^
Every once in awhile someone comes along and does something like this. Very good, very fresh, and surreal as hell. Keep it up.
That blue guy reminds me of my friend who would do the same thing when he lost at Rebel Assault: pound things, wake up my parents, get in trouble. Great job man.
not bad
but first page? I don't understand.
off the wall but no bad
I liked it, but *up* your framerate a bit and touch up the animations and it might even be better.
Oh, and zombies hearts don't beat... but it was a nice touch anyhoo
I'll try the up framerate for my next one. I was thinking about it midway through this but at that point it would have been a real pain to go back and this didn't suffer that bad from a slow frame rate, Thanks for the advice.
Thought provoking
Very nice work. It's very rare you see such caliber work. Amazing story, great animations. Definitely consider a sequel, or maybe even a live action short movie.
I salute you
Finally someone else in the world who is offensive for offensive's sake. Nicely done, violent as hell, and to the point. Good show.
First flash my ass
While I sincerely doubt this was your first flash (unless you mean your first one submitted to NG), this is really good work. Keep it up man.
nah it's my first completed animation. But as said in other reviews I've done lots of Flash exercises for this class. The closest one to another flash cartoon I did was the lip syncing exercise but that was just god awful.
My soul hurts
Good animation and mood, just a tad depressing for a short with no real story. I kinda wanted him to go berserk and slaughter the people who did this to his family (unless it was him, and if it was, whoa) but other than that I think you did well with what you had. I think I'm going to go out now and strangle a puppy to make me happy.
Who needs speed when you got SONIC-X!!!!! Very lively my friend, very lively.
All graphics no gameplay makes Jack a dull boy.
Age 43, Male
Freelance Artist
BA in Art, SMCM
Rockville, MD
Joined on 2/28/05